Forget the manual inventory forms!

Digital Inventory is a database module that can be used on a tablet PC with FieldTech Assistant or separately as a desktop application. The customised module is a database application for recording inventory data in the field.

Replace the graph papers and manually filled inventory forms with a GNSS and total station integrated real-time digital documentation platform. export the database information easily into the GIS-based, vector-based, or spreadsheet software. Meet the contemporary demands for higher speed, lower operational costs, less labour, and data safety.

Default options include project name, ID, inventory number, description, geospatial coordinate data, photo, and drawing; in addition, columns were designed and developed to be multipliable. Users can export the database information in .dxf, .dwg, .shp, .txt, and .xls formats by filtering options based on the project name, inventory number, or date.

Yes, you can add columns with different labels.